Kia ora Hello I'm Taui, and I am from Aotearoa, New Zealand.

I'm going to share a little bit about myself starting with my background. I've been working in the Roading Construction Industry for 6 years now. I also hold many heavy vehicle licenses and endorsements. I am a hands on type of person so hard work comes naturally. One thing about me is I'm a very simple man and the things that I enjoy the most is relaxing at home on the couch watching rugby or spending quality time with my partner Shekinah. My mission in life is to become financially free, retire at a young age and do great things for myself like travel the world, I would actually like to start with my own country first and then eventually explore the rest of the world. I know that investing into affiliate marketing I'll be able to fulfill these dreams and I can't wait to take you's along with me.

Kia Ora Hello my name is Shekinah, I am from Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Here's a little back story to me/us...

When I was younger I was interested in the beauty industry so I had always known that somehow I was going to end up in that industry one day. I have certificates in hair dressing, eyelashes and nails. And because of my career I mainly enjoy self care, such as hair care, going to get my eyelashes/nails done and I sometimes enjoy playing around with make-up from time to time. I also love going shopping whether its in store or online, My love language is gifting so I love shopping for others more than myself. Another interest is spending quality time with my partner Taui. We usually like going out and trying different food cuisines in our city, we enjoy relaxing by waterfronts, and chasing sunsets.

Let's dive a little deeper into getting to know us more as a couple. I guess you're wondering why we're called tns hustles? Well its actually quite simple, TNS stands for Taui and Shekinah and well, we're out here hustling for a life that we know we deserve! Ok now let's talk about why we are here? Taui and I know all about living from pay slip to pay slip and each year we would watch the price of living rise in our country but our incomes were never rising. We were basically just living to pay the bills. Things needed to change and they needed to change fast.

One day Taui and I sat down to evaluate our wages and although things were getting paid and everything was always up to date we hardly had money to put towards things like vacations, savings, emergency money etc. Which then brings me to the day where Taui made the decision to move to night shift as that's where all the hours were. I mean more hours meant more money right? Being on nightshift meant we had to shift around our whole lives and that was not easy. At the same time, I too was working my 9-5 job and our work schedules were obviously out of whack, I worked throughout the day, he worked throughout the night, and as you can tell not a lot of time was being spent together. We hardly saw each other each day and it took a toll on the both of us. That's when we knew enough was enough we're going to find a way to get out of this situation and find something where we NEVER have to sacrifice our time together just to make ends meet!

I started to research online on how to earn different sorts of passive incomes. I come across a lot of things but affiliate marketing stood out to me the most. Google provided me with a lot of information about it but I understood NONE OF IT. I didn't have a clue what I was reading or researching for that matter. I was so lost and with me not understanding anything I really wanted to give up the whole affiliate marketing buzz. A few weeks later I came across a tiktoker who was sharing their journey about affiliate marketing. I thought, oh my gosh! I think I'm starting to understand what affiliate marketing really is and I started thinking seriously about starting my own journey with affiliate marketing. I started doing a little background research on this course everything looked fine I made the decision to sign up to the masterclass. The masterclass was that good It encouraged me to want to know more which then lead me to Jade and Kev Freedom Affiliate Launch course. And let me tell you this course changed our lives.

This course was so easy to follow and understand it includes step by step guides throughout the whole program. In fact most of the trainings are in video form which makes it much easier to learn. This course taught us a lot of knowledge and framework around affiliate marketing that we even signed up to the following course immediately.

Not only has this course helped us so much with learning the ins and outs of becoming an affiliate marketer but it's also changed the way Taui and I look at money. This is not just an income change, its a whole freaking lifestyle change!

Never did I ever think we would be starting our own online business in affiliate marketing, creating our own website. That's just super crazy to say out loud but this is actually us now! And this could be you too!

Let's start creating the life you ALWAYS dreamed of. Lets gain financial freedom!
There is more than enough space for all of us to win! It's your time to
hustle your way to freedom!

See you's at the top!

Taui and Shekinah xx